When exporting your Project To Custom Template, you'll have the opportunity to preview the export, make adjustments to formatting/styles/themes, and see these changes before downloading an export of your Project.
How Can I Preview My Export?
Subscription Required: Export Preview Editor is available on select subscription plans only. Contact Support to learn more: Send an email to Support
You are able to opt-in to preview before exporting a project by selecting the Export Option: "Preview Before Export". By default, this option is not selected. Users need to select this option in order to preview their project before exporting. Then, click the Continue to Preview button.
Note: Style changes (e.g. fonts, tables, etc) made here will not be saved and will be applied to your exported document only.
Formatting And Styling Your Content In The Export Preview Editor
1. Click on the piece of content for which you want to edit the formatting or styling. This will activate the pencil ( ) icon
2. Click on the pencil () icon to see the Style Editor toolbar. You'll be able to apply various forms of formatting (such as Bold, Italics, etc.) to all of the content in your entry. Alternatively, you can highlight a piece of content to apply your changes specific to the highlighted part only
3. Clicking on the Style Dropdown will allow you to apply your Loopio content styles to your content
4. Clicking on Edit Style will allow you to apply Font Style changes, color changes, spacing changes and many other options. You can click Revert to default back to your original configuration or click Apply Changes to Export
5. Any changes you make can be undone or redone by clicking on the Undo and Redo buttons
6. Once you've made your changes, click on the Export button in the top right corner to download your Project