Once Backups are enabled, your entire Library will automatically be backed up monthly. You also have the option to create Backups on demand, which you will be able to access immediately.
To enable Library Backups read more from this article: Enabling Library Backups
To Manually Back Up Your Library
Click Admin in the top navigation
Click Backups
Click + Backup Now
Filtering Your Manual Backups
Subscription Required: Backup filtering is available on select subscription plans only. Contact Support to learn more: Send an email to Support
For manual Backups, you can apply filters that will allow you to filter both the Word and Excel backups by:
- Library Location: Stacks, Categories, or Sub-categories
- Library Entry Owners
- Tags
You can specify up to 20 inputs for each of the three fields:
To Set a One-Time Password for Manual Backups
For manual Backups, you can optionally set a one-time password if you don’t want to use the default Backup password. On the Backup Now modal:
1. Deselect the "Use default password" checkbox
2. You will then have the option to set a one-time password for that Backup:
Note: The one-time password will only apply to the existing backup and will not change the default password for any other manual or scheduled backup (past or future).
On how to access your Library Backups read more from this article: How Can I Access Library Backups?
On how to schedule and change the default password read more from this article: Can I Congifure the Password and Frequency for Scheduled Backups?