Each project you work on is unique, and you may encounter running into a few projects, that do require having responses with limits. As Project Admin, you're able to set character limits for your participants.
Subscription Required: Character Limits is only available on select subscription plans. Contact Support to learn more.
Benefits of Setting Character Limits
- Ability for Project Admins, Creators & Owners to:
- Set up character limits for project entries during the Project Import workflow.
- Add/edit/delete character limits for entries in the Projects Workspace.
- Ability for users to see messaging when:
- Their project contains entries that exceed character limits.
- An entry has exceeded the defined character limit.
- They attempt to export a project containing entries that have exceeded the associated character limits.
- Ability for users to see a character count at the individual entry-level where applicable.
- Word Import, Excel Import
- Project Workspace
How Do I Set up Character Limits During Import?
Project Admins can establish Character Limits for Primary Answers for Word and Excel projects during Project Import.
- Select a Question
- Then select the Primary Answer Location where you want your answer displayed
- Then select ‘+ Add Character Limit’ from the answer options
Below displays how this looks on Word and Excel:
Word Import
Excel Import
Once you've clicked on ‘+ Add Character Limit’ you will then enter a specific number that you would like to set for the character limit.
How Do I Set Up Character Limits in the Project Workspace?
In the Project Workspace, Project Admins can create Character Limits for Primary Answers for Word, Excel, and PDF projects within the Projects Workspace - List View.
- Project Admins can click on the Entry Actions for an entry to add a character limit.
- Once the Character Limit pop-up opens up, you can then enter a specific number to designate as the character limit.
Note: You can also apply the same limit to all Primary Answers that fall under the same Section within the project.
How Do I Edit Or Remove Character Limits From Entries?
You've added Character Limits to your entries, and you've maybe entered the wrong figure, or you'd like to remove the limit. Here's how you can accomplish this.
Project Admins can click on the Entry Action option for an entry and select Edit Character Limit.
Once the Character Limit pop-up appears, you can edit the number of characters, or you can select the Remove button to delete the Character Limit.
How Do I Know if I’ve Gone Over The Character Limit For An Entry?
When working on a project, Project Admins and Project Participants will be able to see a character limit for specific entries. In addition, when they’re editing the entry, they will be able to see a character counter.
The character limit of 500 characters can be seen next to the question text:
A character counter will be visualized for the user to see:
Character Counter indicating answer being over the limit
Users can still save their changes if they've gone over the Character Limit, but they will not be able to mark the entry as complete or submit it for review. Users won't be able to select those options, and will receive a tool tip indicating why:
Can I Filter Entries For Those With Character Limits?
Yes, Project Admins and Project Participants can easily filter for all entries that have character limits by using Projects Workspace filters.
What About Filtering Entries That Go Over Character Limits?
Yes, at the top right of the project where your number of questions are displayed, you should see any entries that are over the character limit.
Can I Export My Project That Has Entries Over Their Character Limits?
Yes, you can. You’ll be prompted during export about entries within your project that are over their character limit. You can opt to go back and fix these entries that have gone over their character limits, or alternatively choose to skip and export the project regardless.