Yes, Loopio Administrators can publish specific Library Stacks so that Users in other Loopio instances within your organization have access to their contents.
How Do I Publish a Stack?
Once enabled, this feature will allow all Loopio Administrators to share Stacks with Users in other Loopio instances within your organization by doing the following:
Select Library Management under the Library tab:
- Locate the Stack you wish to share and click on Stack Options (⋯):
- Select Publish:
Next, choose the Loopio instances you wish to share the selected Stack with (by clicking on their respective button under the Publish column) and click on Apply when you are ready to publish the Stack:
Note: Stacks that have been shared with other Loopio instances will be available as read-only, so no edits will be made to your content. Additionally, Loopio Administrators can revoke access to any of the Stacks you published at any time by clicking on Stack Options (⋯) and selecting Unpublish:
- After that, your Stack will be published and Loopio Administrators in the instance you have selected to share your content with will now be able to subscribe to that content and customize permissions for the Users within their own instance to have access to it or not.
How Do I Subscribe to a Shared Stack?
Now that another team in Loopio has shared content with your Loopio instance, how do you access it?
As a Loopio Administrator in your Loopio instance, you will have the choice to subscribe to any Stack that has been shared with you, providing you with control over whether to add content to your Library or not.
To see and subscribe to any available Stacks that have been published and shared with your instance:
Navigate to your Library Management page under the Library tab:
- On the left-hand side, any available Stacks will be shown at the bottom left of the screen
Subscribe to stacks by clicking + Subscribe:
- Once this is done, by default, all Loopio Administrators will now have read-only access to the content in the Stack you just subscribed to
To Grant Any Other Loopio Roles in Your Instance Access to the Shared Stack:
Navigate to the Roles & Permissions screen under the Admin tab
Click on Manage Roles & Permissions at the top-right of the screen
- Under the Subscribed Stacks option, select the shared Stack you want to give access to
- Select the Level 1 (Read-Only) option beside any Roles with which you want to share this Stack
Note: By default, all Loopio Roles will have Level 0 - No Access to the shared Stack until the permission level is updated to Level 1 (Read Only). This is to ensure that content is not shared with anyone it shouldn’t be.
How Do I Search a Shared Stack I Have Been Granted Access To?
Users with Level 1 (Read-Only) access to a shared Stack will be able to search content within it by doing a Library Search both in the Library space:
And from Projects:
Tip: Your own Loopio Library will show as Loopio (My Library) in the Library selection dropdown list.
Note: Content in shared Stacks will be up-to-date with its latest version including any updates to attachments and Library Merge Variables, so you never have to worry about content in other instances being out of date.