Library Entry audit trails allow you to gain transparency and accountability over updates made to your content.
These audit trails, known as History, allow users to see the full historical details on:
- Who created a Library Entry
- Who updated a Library Entry
- When a Library Entry was updated
- What each update entailed
- Looking for information on changes to Reviews? See: Tracking Review changes
- Looking for information on changes to Project Entries? See: How Can I See Changes Made to a Project Entry?
How Do I View the Audit Trail for a Library Entry?
To view the History logs for a Library Entry:
- Locate the Library Entry
- Click the Entry Actions (⋯) menu in the Entry's upper right-hand corner
- Select Entry History
How Can I See What Edits Were Made to a Library Entry?
Each update made to a Library Entry will result in a record in its History. To see a record of the Library Entry as it appeared at the time of the selected version, click on a change log.
This will expose a snapshot of the Entry from that point in time:
To view changes made between the selected version and other versions of the Entry, select one of the options in the top right corner.
Note: Changes are shown in the form of red strikethrough text for deletions and green text for insertions.
Compare With Prior Change: Displays the changes made between the selected version and one version earlier
Compare With Current Version: Displays the changes made to the selected version to arrive at the most recent version of the Entry
Can I Restore a Library Entry to a Previous Version?
To restore an Entry to a previous version:
- Click on the Entry History version you would like to restore
- Confirm that this is the version of the Entry you want to restore
Note: The version shown when “Compare with None” is selected is the version that will be restored.
- Click Restore