Library Reviews can be filtered by Review status, Library categorization, Review Assignee, and Content utilization. Reviews can additionally be sorted by due date, number of times used and last Review date.
Review Status
The Status filter allows you to filter Reviews based on their status:
- Assigned Reviews have been allocated to someone for review, but have not yet been reviewed
- Unassigned Reviews have not been allocated to anyone for review
- Approved with edits Reviews have been reviewed and updated
- Approved without editsReviewshave been reviewed and approved without updates
Library Categorization
The Library categorization filters allow you to narrow Reviews based on where they live in your Library. These filters include Category and Sub-Category. If your Library contains Stacks, you will also see a Stacks filter.
Read more: Stacks
Review Assignee
Depending on your Reviews permission levels, you can use the Assignee filter to view all Entries assigned to a specific User for review.
To view all Reviews in a particular User’s name, start typing in the User’s name and then select their name from the list (or scroll and select their name).
To see all Entries assigned to all Users, select “All Users”.
Content Utilization
To help Reviewers manage their workload, you have the ability to filter the list of eligible Library Review Entries by "Only used once" or "Only show Entries never used" in a Project Entry:
This will help Reviewers decide on whether these seldom-used Entries need to be Reviewed or removed from the Library to help with the overall health of the Library.
Sorting Library Reviews
You can sort Library Reviews based on the due date, last review date, or the number of times used in projects using the “Sort by” filter:
Note: There may be a discrepancy between the sorting order for Times Used and the Number of times used field displayed on the Review entry. The Number of times used field includes the times the library entry answer is used in the additional answer field for a project question entry. The sorting order does not account when the entry is used as an additional answer.
Adjust the "Per Page" dropdown to determine the number of Reviews you'd like to appear on the page: