Loopio offers two types of Library Reviews: Review Now and Review Cycles.
Learn more: Learn more about completing reviews in our Reviewing Content course, available in the Learning Station. (a Loopio login is required to access this link)
When a Review has been set on a Library Entry, In Review will be displayed at the top right corner of the Library Entry until the review is marked as Complete. This indicates to fellow Users that the content of the Library Entry may not be 100% accurate or up to date.
Tip: The “In Review” banner will also appear on Entries when searching the Library from a Project, to help you make informed decisions about using content that has not been reviewed.
Using Review Now to Configure One-Time Reviews
Review Now is used to place an individual Library Entry into review on the spot.
- Navigate to your Library
- Locate the Entry to be reviewed and click on the Entry Options (⋯) icon.
- Click Review Now
- In the modal that appears, enter the review due date, the reviewer, and any instructions you’d like to leave for the reviewer
- Click OK
Using Review Cycles to Configure Recurring Content Reviews
Review Cycles allow you to set recurring cycles for your content reviews for individual Library Entries, Library Subcategories, or Library Categories.
Learn more: What Is the Difference Between Library Reviews and Review Cycles? (a Loopio login is required to access this link)
Setting a Review Cycle for an Individual Library Entry
- Navigate to your Library
- Locate the Entry to be reviewed and click the Entry Options (⋯) icon in the upper right-hand corner
- Click Review Cycle
- In the modal that appears, enter the review frequency, review start date, time to complete, and the Reviewer
- To add additional Reviewers to review the content once the first Reviewer is complete, click + Add another Reviewer. You can add up to five Reviewers per Review Cycle
Subscription Required: The ability to add multiple Reviewers to a Library Review is a feature of Multi-Step Reviews, which is available on select subscription plans only. Contact Support to learn more: Send an email to Support
- Click Create Review Cycle
Setting a Review Cycle for a Sub-Category or Category
- On the top menu bar, click Library and select Library Management
- To set a Review Cycle on a Category, locate the desired Category and click the on the Actions menu (⋯) to the right and select Create Review Cycle
To set a Review Cycle on a Subcategory, click on its Category to filter to that specific Category, click on the Actions menu (⋯) on the right and select Create Review Cycle next to the desired Subcategory - In the modal that appears, enter the review frequency, review start date, time to complete, and the Reviewer
- To add additional Reviewers to review the content once the first Reviewer is complete, click + Add another Reviewer. You can add up to five Reviewers per Review Cycle
Subscription Required: The ability to add multiple Reviewers to a Library Review is a feature of Multi-Step Reviews, which is available on select subscription plans only. Contact Support to learn more: Send an email to Support
- Click Create Review Cycle
Tip: When you have multiple Review Cycles set up on a given Entry (for example, one on its Category, another on its Subcategory, and a third on the Entry itself), Review Cycles will run on the lowest-possible level. For example, if you have a Review Cycle on a Category and a Review Cycle for one of its Subcategories, the Subcategory-level Review Cycle determines how the content in that Subcategory will be reviewed.
To help you make an informed decision, Loopio will notify you of the existing Review Cycle details as you're creating or modifying your Review Cycles: