Quickly and efficiently add to your current repository of information via Library Import from Excel: Copy and paste your Question-Answer content into our Library Import Excel Template, which allows you to specify Category, Subcategory, Alternate Questions, and Tags for each Question-Answer pair.
To import using the Loopio Excel Template:
- At the top right of the Library screen, click Import Entries
Note: Loopio also allows you to import Entry Alerts into your Library using the Excel import method. Our Excel Library Import Template includes an "Alert" column, which can be used for providing additional context on how a Library Entry should be used. Read more about Entry Alerts: How Can I Add Instructions to My Library Entries?
- Click Loopio Excel Template
- Click Download Template to download the Excel Template
- If you would like to include Compliance Answers in your import, select the Include compliance column option
- To see an example of a filled out Template, select the Include sample data option
- Open the Excel Template on your desktop, and copy and paste in your content. Save the file. Content must be uploaded using the provided Excel Template
- Return to the Loopio Import Library Content window and click Browse
- Select your filled out Loopio Excel Template
- Indicate the content’s Language
Subscription Required: The language field is only available with Multi-Language Library. Multi-Language Library isn't available on all subscription plans. Contact Support to learn more: Send an email to Support
Note: Loopio currently allows you to label Library Entries in select languages. An “Other” option is provided for labeling Entries not captured by one of these languages. Read more about languages supported in Loopio: Can I Store Library Content in Languages Other Than English?
- Select the default Stack for your Library Entries - This will define the Stack in which your new Library Entries will be created
Subscription Required: Stacks are available on select subscription plans only. Contact Support to learn more: Send an email to Support
- If the Category and/or Subcategory listed for an Entry already exists within the selected Stack (or within the Library when no Stacks exist), the Entry will be imported to that location
- If the Category and/or Subcategory do not already exist in the selected Stack, they will be created for you
- New Stacks can't be created during this step. Read more on creating new Stacks
- Verify that the details listed are correct, and click Import
Loopio will automatically detect potential duplicates or invalid rows within your import template. If you would like to view more information on invalid rows or potential duplicates, you can download and review your import template.
From the download, each row is color-coded to tell you which rows are valid (green), invalid (red) and potential duplicates (yellow).
In your Review sheet, you can scroll to the right, and a new column labelled as Error will be added. This column will contain information on which Library Entry is a potential duplicate, or the error detected on that row.
After reviewing all invalid rows and potential duplicates:
- To proceed with the import without any changes to your Import Template, click Import
- Invalid rows will be skipped
- Potential duplicates can be skipped by deselecting the Include duplicates checkbox (selected by default)
- To upload a corrected copy of your Import Template, click Back and return to step 5 above
Why Am I Seeing An Invalid Row Message When Importing Content to my Library from the Loopio Excel Import Template?
If errors are identified in your Loopio Excel Template, you will see an Invalid Row message during your Import process:
You can identify the rows that contain errors, and correct them to import all desired content into your Library.
To See and Fix the Invalid Rows and Errors:
- Click download to review all rows that are invalid in Excel
Note: Clicking Import will import the content that does not contain errors.
- In Excel, the Invalid rows are marked in red
- Scroll to the right of the Excel file to see the "Error" column, and make adjustments to the rows before saving and reimporting your Content
How Can I Prevent Invalid Rows in My Excel Library Import Template?
- Use Commas (,) to separate Tags (eg. Company, Revenue, 12-22-2017)
- Tags can include any punctuation except < > ? : ; { } - = ` ,
- Tags cannot exceed 100 characters
- There is a limit of 40 tags per Library Entry
- There is a limit of 250 characters for Entry Alerts