When autoprovisioning is enabled for your Loopio account, all user management must be performed in your Identity Provider.
The following message appears in the Users tab when JIT provisioning is active on your Loopio account:
This means that new Users will need to be added via your Identity Provider, and their Loopio account will be created automatically the first time they log in.
Adding New Users to Loopio
The following custom attributes must be set for each Loopio user. Depending on your Identity Provider, these can be set at a Group level, which users can be added to, or at an individual user level:
Loopio Access must be set to true for the user to access Loopio. To disable this user, set this attribute to false.
Loopio Role must match the exact Role name in Loopio and is case sensitive.
You can send this information to your IT team, or the person who manages access to software via your Identity Provider. You will need to provide them with the exact name of the Role each User should have, as it appears on the Admin > Roles and Permissions screen in Loopio:
Once the User has been assigned a Loopio Role and Loopio Access is set to true, they can log into Loopio either from your Identity Provider or by navigating to your Loopio login URL.
Note: The user will appear on your Admin > Users screen after they have logged in for the first time.
Modifying Existing Loopio Users
Autoprovisioning can also be used to make changes to existing users in your Loopio instance.
To do so, make the change to the user’s attributes in your Identity Provider and these changes will be reflected in Loopio when that user logs in.
Possible changes include:
- Changing a User’s role - update Loopio Role to a new Role name. Loopio Role must match the exact Role name in Loopio and is case sensitive.
- Disabling a User’s Loopio access - set Loopio Access to false
Please note that if a User leaves the company and has access disabled in the Identity Provider, this change will not show in Loopio unless:
- The User tries to log in after access has been removed
- The User’s account is manually changed to Disabled in Loopio’s Admin settings. Read more: How Do I Manage Disabling Loopio Users?
Tip: Users can also be disabled using the Disable Users API endpoint. Read more: Loopio API - Bulk Disable Users by Email