Note: For select customers, this update will take effect at a later date. The redesigned Word Project Import UI is available now in most accounts.
We're excited to introduce a revamped user interface for Word Source Document imports. This upgrade is designed to give you access to all the essential options for mapping your Project import, allowing you to optimize your workflow and save precious time marking up your document. It will also enable us to bring you future import enhancements, such as the ability to work with checkboxes in Word documents. Get ready to elevate your import process to a whole new level!
Learn more: Check out our Project Import via Word Document course in the Learning Station (a Loopio login is required to access this link), or if your Project contains Sub-Questions, start here: How Do I Import Sub-Questions From a Word Source Document Into a Loopio Project?
Note: Similar UI enhancements for Excel and PDF Source Documents are in our future plans.
Navigating the New Project Import UI for Word Documents
- Within your Project, click the Import button in the center of your screen (for blank Projects only) or open the Project Actions (⋯) menu and select Import
- Select your Source Document
- Click Import
At this stage, you will be presented with a new UI for importing a Word Source Document
- Frequently used actions are available at the top of the page for quick and easy access
- You have access to the Project Outline of your document on the left-hand side. This outline will be automatically populated with Sections and Subsections as you select them in your document.
- At the bottom of the left-hand sidebar, you have access to additional actions for your document:
- A toggle switch for whether you want to import question numbers from the file
- The ability to manage any Answer Sets or Additional Answer fields you've added
- An option to reset any character limits you've set throughout the document
- The ability to deselect question numbers, or deselect all current selections in the file and start fresh
Mapping Sections / Subsections / Questions
Note: If you're looking for instructions on how to import from an Excel or PDF file, start here:
When beginning to map your Word Source Document, you can move your mouse cursor over any piece of text within your document.
The text will be highlighted for you and a plus sign (+) will appear over the content, to indicate that it can be mapped for import:
Clicking on the plus sign (+) will display all selection type options for your highlighted text:
Mapping Sections
After mapping a Section, the left-hand sidebar is immediately refreshed to display additional Edit Section options:
For Sections, you can further access edit options in the left-hand sidebar to change the length of the mapped Section text, or to change the selection type to a Subsection or Question.
Tip: A Section can only be changed to a Subsection if there is another Section identified earlier in the document.
You can also unmap the Section title by choosing to Deselect section or Deselect all below if you want to unmap the Section title and everything below.
Mapping Subsections
After mapping a Subsection, the left-hand sidebar is immediately refreshed to display additional Subsection options:
For Subsections, you can change the length of the mapped Subsection text, or change the selection type to a Section or Question.
You can also unmap the Subsection heading by choosing to Deselect subsection or Deselect all below if you want to unmap the Subsection and everything below
Mapping Questions
To help you get started with your new Project, Loopio will automatically identify potential Questions and Answer locations in the imported document, then select them as such in the Import screen. Verify that all Questions have been properly identified and make corrections as necessary
Tip: You'll see a notification on-screen as soon as this happens. You can click Go To First One to see the first automatically selected Question or click See Details to see a high-level summary of what was automatically selected for you.
After manually mapping a Question, the left-hand sidebar is immediately refreshed to display additional Question and Answer options.
For Questions, you will have access to change the length of the mapped Question text, or change the selection type to a Section or Subsection.
You can also change the type of Answer you wish to associate with the Question, and also make direct changes to associated Answer Set and Additional Answer fields.
Lastly, you can unmap the Question by clicking on the trash can icon to the right of the Question, or click Deselect all below if you want to unmap the Question and everything below.
Adjusting Text Selections Before Importing
Using the Edit text selection feature, you can select the length of text you wish to be imported
Alternatively, you can double-click on a mapped piece of text and use the paddles to adjust the text